Alert ! Be Forewarned ! The Supernatural is Advancing & A Traitor Awaits!

Alert ! Be Forewarned ! The Supernatural is Advancing ! A Traitor Awaits!

As explained in earlier posts, the Great Sign of Revelation 12 is an invisible sign for a skeptical world. Unlike the Star of Bethlehem, which was visible to those with “eyes” to see, and the many visible appearances that Jesus Christ made in  the Old Testament as a “Theophany”, God is not going to make an appearance until His Second Coming – at least the Bible does not forewarn us of any!  Near the End of Time, He will appear in the clouds to receive the church, and again on the Mount of Olives to face the world’s forces.  One of the first signs of His 2nd Coming will actually come from the Anti-Christ and his covenant with Israel.

In the Days of the Patriarchs- of Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses- Jesus Christ  appeared to man and spoke to him (Theologians call these divine conversations: Theophany or a Christophany). Through these loving interactions, He defended and guided them and taught us the danger of unbelief, and the blessings of faith and obedience. Now that most of the world has ignored His Word and has turned completely away from Him, He forewarns us in this Great Sign of Revelation 12 that the supernatural world is advancing and we will face the consequences.

Jesus forewarned us at the Mount of Olives discourse in chapter 24 of Matthew that in the end-times there will be “blood, fire, and smoke” and we have seen this in the irrational record mass murders in Las Vegas and now in Parkland, Florida! He warned us of “wars and rumors of wars” and we have seen more threats now than ever in history.  Kim of Korea has swung countless threats at America, South Korea, and Japan.   Assad in Syria has threatened Israel with all forms of retaliation, and so has Iran which has been making extreme threats for years.  Hamas and Abbas are using a variety of terrorist tactics against Israel, and Hezbollah now has 150,000 accurate short and long range missiles.  Russia has threatened our elections and has sent mercenaries in disguise against our troops.  Turkey has threatened to destroy our allies the Kurds and is now bombing into oblivion a city full of innocent civilians. They are building a large German designed tank factory and have hired China to modernize their communication systems.  Turkey will soon have cash free system thanks to the Chinese.   China is threatening the Philippines and other nations in the South China Sea by the super militarization of islands far from their territorial waters. China has also entrenched itself near the Suez canal and the Panama Canal so as to control strategic crossing points on the globe.  ISIS and Al-Qida  still threaten the world with high tech bombs and terrorism.

God also forewarns us of a new kind of flood for the future.  Through the book of Daniel, God speaks of the widespread expansion of information.  This information deluge will overwhelm people with useless and distracting data that will draw the generations further and further away from the Word of God and from a relationship with Him.  I discuss issues like this in my Book; COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN: The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation. The book is in its 2nd printing and is now available at  This deluge of information also relates to intelligence data that overwhelms our ability to protect ourselves.

As far as smoke and fire, this may also relate to dozens of active volcanoes throughout the world, 3 of which are active in Indonesia.  We may have another very active fire season this coming summer with drought already a threat due to very light snowfalls.

Revelation 12:1, says, “A GREAT SIGN APPEARED IN THE HEAVENS, A WOMAN CLOTHED WITH THE SUN, WITH THE MOON AT HER FEET, AND A GARLAND OF TWELVE STARS.”   This Sign was NEVER intended to be seen!  Once the sun comes up over the horizon (sunrise) all these stars fade along with the moon and planets!  So why does God call it a “GREAT SIGN”?

The Point is God wants us to realize that the Great SIGN was there, but was NOT visible!  He knew that we would have astronomers that would map this celestial SIGN and the media methods to spread the information throughout the world so that everyone would know that it WAS THERE, even though it would be  “invisible”. In fact many false prophets sensationalized this event by saying a Planet X or giant asteroid would collide with the earth on that day. Unfortunately because of this many people ignored the message and were unable to see the truth in this Great Sign.  So what exists, and yet is invisible?  What can we be CERTAIN OF, yet not see?  What is the substance of things hoped for?  FAITH in the invisible REAL GOD is the answer and YES, He is making sure that we realize that He is actively moving to bring HIS PROMISE to fruition.

He is in the process of advancing His Kingdom, fulfilling His Promises, and destroying Satan and those who follow him.  He will make this known to us in visible ways through nature and the actions of humans.  If you read the next paragraph you will see the spiritual battle between God’s angels and Satan and his angel’s.  Implied in this passage is a chronological series of events leading to Satan being cast from heaven, which suggests that Satan was not cast down permanently at an earlier time.  In Genesis, Satan may have been waiting in a “natural state” in the form of a serpent to deceive God’s “perfect” creation.   He wanted to destroy out of jealousy, the perfect Garden and the Man-creature made in God’s image.  Later when Jesus says he saw Satan cast down, it may refer to a future event since God is omniscient.

The point that needs to be accented is the increased intensity of the spiritual battle ahead of us.  Just as the “Great Sign” was distorted by false prophets so will all the other signs and warnings that God will give us.  The false prophets said that Planet X would destroy the earth on September 23rd and Satan used them to make the “sign” seem absurd or inconsequential.  The actions and words of God’s messengers will be distorted by dark forces and the principalities of evil will do everything to distract and deceive us with lies.  We are seeing this happen right before our eyes.  To the world it may seem silly, but there is a sequence of signs that point to something of supernatural consequence leading to the natural.

God wants those who have been deceived to let go of everything you know so that you can know the truth.  Explore life in a prism of divine truth – as if going blind so that you can see: Jesus and Isaiah warned “you see but do not see, you hear but do not hear.” I explain some of this in my book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN. Are you ready to take the journey into a deeper reality about life itself? Our world is so full of lies that indeed a child knows truth better than many a “genius”.

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